monoparenting, behaviour, child, aggression, anxiety, loneliness.Abstract
This literary work aims to add contributions on theoretical level and on the empirically applied, in the domain of the child’s psychology, family’s psychology and counseling.In theory, there are presented current topics regarding monoparenting, divorce, and also their consequences on the child’s behaviour in the development of aggression, anxiety and loneliness.As a subject of scientific research, the child’s investigation is a priority for human adaptation. The erosion of the nuclear family in the context of the current socioeconomic favour at the very young ages the aggressiveness, anxiety and loneliness. The literary work “Monoparenting and its influences on the child’s behaviour†aims to guide the research in the following directions:
- Show the connection between the type of family and the child’s behaviour;
- Identify the existing differences in the behaviour depending on the gender of the subjects;
- Investigate the relationship between the types of behaviour that are studied.
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