authistic disturbances, anxiety, depression, affective distress,Abstract
Few researches have focused on the degree of family affection, so the present research aims to study the affective impact that a child with TSA has on the parents. The present research is a comparative study that seeks to investigate the differences that arise between parents who have children with autistic spectrum disorders and children with age-specific development of anxiety, depression, and affective disorder. Questionnaires were provided to parents with a child with autistic spectrum disorders (N = 40) and to parents with age-specific children (N = 40). Questionnaires were used to investigate depression, anxiety as a condition and a trait, emotional distress. For collecting socio-demographic data, parents completed a structured interview. Research results show that parents of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder have a much higher level of depression, anxiety, affective distress compared to parents with age-specific children.References
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