
  • Mariana Norel


school curriculum, continuity, competence, evaluation,


The aim of this article is to offer an image of the way Romanian language and
literature are studied in primary and secondary school, both in schools teaching
in Romanian language, and in schools teaching in minorities’ languages. The
change in the paradigm of creating and then applying the curricula brings the
change in national evaluations. What is this change consisting of? Are there
alterations necessary to the teaching process? These are the questions the article
is trying to answer.


*** School program for Communication in Romanian language. Preparatory, 1st and 2nd

grades. Annex no. 2 la OMEN no. 3418/19.03.2013.

*** School program for Communication in Romanian language for schools with tuition in

German language. Preparatory, 1st and 2nd grades. Annex no. 2 la OMEN no.


*** School program for Communication in Romanian language for schools with tuition in

Hungarian language. Preparatory, 1st and 2nd grades. Annex no. 2 la OMEN no.


*** School program for Communication in Romanian language for schools with tuition in

Rromani language. Preparatory, 1st and 2nd grades. Annex no. 2 la OMEN no.


*** School program for Communication in Romanian language for schools with tuition in

Serbian language. Preparatory, 1st and 2nd grades. Annex no. 2 la OMEN no.


*** School program for Communication in Romanian language for schools with tuition in

Slovak language. Preparatory, 1st and 2nd grades. Annex no. 2 la OMEN no.


*** School program for Romanian language and literature. 3rd and 4th grades. Annex no. 2

la OMEN no. 5003/02.12.2014.

*** School program for Romanian language and literature for schools with tuition in Czech

language. 3rd and 4th grades. Annex no. 2 la OMEN no. 5003/02.12.2014.

*** School program for Romanian language and literature for schools with tuition in

German language. 3rd and 4th grades. Annex no. 2 la OMEN no. 5003/02.12.2014.

*** School program for Romanian language and literature for schools with tuition in

Hungarian language. 3rd and 4th grades. Annex no. 2 la OMEN no. 5003/02.12.2014.

*** School program for Romanian language and literature for schools with tuition in

Rromani language. 3rd and 4th grades. Annex no. 2 la OMEN no. 5003/02.12.2014.

*** School program for Romanian language and literature for schools with tuition in Serbian

language. 3rd and 4th grades. Annex no. 2 la OMEN no. 5003/02.12.2014.

*** School program for Romanian language and literature for schools with tuition in Slovak

language. 3rd and 4th grades. Annex no. 2 la OMEN no. 5003/02.12.2014.

*** School program for Romanian language and literature. 5th to 8th grades. Annex no. 2 la

OMEN no 3393/28.02.2017

*** School program for Romanian language and literature for schools with tuition in

Hungarian language. 5th to 8th grades. Annex no. 2 la OMEN no 3393/28.02.2017

Norel, M. (2017a). The intercultural and integrated approach to the curriculum of Romanian

language and literature, în Tódor, Erika-Mária (editor). (2017). Guide of the Romanian

Language and Literature Teacher for Schools and Teaching Teachers in Hungarian. Cluj-

Napoca: Abel Publishing House

Norel, M. (2017b). New perspectives in learning romanian language in schools and sections

taught in hungarian language. Journal Plus Education, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, 280-287




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