
  • Mariana Norel Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov
  • Simona LESENCIUC Kindergarten no.29


This paper aims to focus on the teachers’ awareness of the necessity of reform in preschool curriculum, more precisely within Language and communication area.  We are interested to identify the extent to which teachers in early education identify effective strategies to improve communication skill at preschool age and are aware of the necessity of curricular reform. The current curriculum was designed in 2008 by the Ministry of Education and Research, based on data regarding the educational dynamics between 1999 and 2006. The necessity of curriculum development, in a field of study or in a preschool/school cycle, is a necessity for continuously adjusting teaching/learning experiences to the new demands of knowledge and society. The mere highlighting of the necessity of preschool curriculum change, in a clearly defined area, involves consideration of both certain objective determinations leading to curriculum update as a consequence of the real need of education, and certain “symptomatic areas†that require a change of curriculum. The main objective of this paper is to identify the awareness of the necessity for curriculum development in early education within Language and communication area. The designed research strategy is standard, transversal, in three phases: quantitative, qualitative and mixed (comparative, quantitative-qualitative), through the agency of methods based on a survey questionnaire, applied to representatives of all 31 kindergartens in Brașov city, namely on a structured group interview, with teachers-experts from their original institution (Kindergarten no.29 Brașov), having a professional experience of over 10 years in preschool teaching, achieved through Delphi technique.


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