students; competences; skills; degree of satisfaction; reasons involved in choosing the faculty; academic path; people who influenced the choice of the academic path.Abstract
This paper aimes to investigate the degree of satisfaction with the training offered by the academic path, the main reasons why young people choose a certain faculty and the impact of people with authority over young people, when it comes to choosing the academic path. The research group included 221 students ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd year of university study- undergraduate level). A very large number of students, 215 (97.3%) say they are satisfied with the professional skills formed by the study program they attend. A percentage of 50.7% students say they are satisfied, 25.8% are very satisfied and 20.8% are relatively satisfied. The main reason why young people turned to college were personal passions and inclinations (26.2% - 58 subjects), and most young people, almost half, said they made the choice on their own (41.18% - 91 subjects). Concerning those who influenced the young people in choosing the academic path, it was observed that: 32.58% - 72 subjects stated that "someone in the family (parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts)" were the people who had an influence on their decission maiking.
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