
  • Daciana LUPU Transilvania University


physical disabilities, leisure, emotional life, integration in new groups.


We consider that we should take into account the need for support and services for people with disabilities in order to improve the quality of their lives and to initiate prevention strategies aggravation. Research objectives focused on: (1) investigation of the relationship between ways of leisure by people with motor disabilities and the aspects of the difficult integration in new groups and rarest out from their house and (2) analyzing grievances in their own emotional life of persons with motor disabilities from the perspective of gender, origin, education, enrollment degree and the nature of the deficiency. The study was based on a Questionnaire Survey as primer research method used (N = 93 subjects). Some results concluded that the subjects that prefer to look at TV have more difficulties to integrate in new groups. (r= -.421, p<0.01). Also with difficult integration are the subjects that prefer to sleep in their spare time. (r= -.359, p<0.01).



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